Thursday 4 February 2010

2nd Post

To be honest, all i can think of to write here is how mind blowingly awful my day has been.

After putting all my efforts into planning on being productive, somehow i failed miserably. The LCF MA_10 show write up has taken me the best part of 4 hours, and im still only on 250 words. It's pretty amazing really, how i can manage to over analyse something i have written myself only 2 minutes earlier. Self criticism is definately not one of my charms. But i can't yet decide if its going to be my self criticism that leads me to success? After all, questioning your every semi colon or comma can't exactly be a bad thing can it? But as per, i do tend to take it too far and have been told on numerous occasions to 'not take stuff to heart'.

Anyway, i digress. (that was like a week ago, i got sidetracked and drafted it)

Shock of my week = Alexander McQueen.


What an awful loss of a unique talent. Of course Alexander McQueen will live on but without Lee McQueen will it have it's signature flair and undeniable one of a kind auora?

I'm not one to get upset over celebrity deaths etc, but when it is such an amazing and inspirational person its hard not to feel genuinely gutted.

I kind of get the impression that he was a totured soul, as is the case with most 'creatives', and i just think this makes it all the more sad.

I love this, he just looks so cute.

RIP McQueen, definately will be missed.

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